S. Sobolev, A.P. Lanz, T. Dong, A. Pokharel, V. Kabanov, T-Q. Xu, Y. Wang, Z-Z. Gan, L-Y. Shi, N-L. Wang, A. Pashkin, E. Uykur, S. Winnerl, M. Helm, and J Demsar, "Possible Eliashberg-type superconductivity enhancement effects in a two-band superconductor MgB2 driven by narrow-band THz pulses", Phys. Rev. Lett. 131, 186903 (2023).
O. Fedchenko, D. Vasilyev, D. Kutnyakhov, S. Babenkov, S. Chernov, T. Grunske, T. Kauerhof, K. von Volkmann, J. Demsar, K. Rossnagel, G. Schönhense, and H. J. Elmers,
"Electron-phonon coupling at the Te 5p hole pocket in TiTe2", Phys. Rev. B 108, 115150 (2023).
Y. Lytvynenko, O. Fedchenko, S.V. Chernov, S. Babenkov, D. Vasilyev, O. Tkach, A. Gloskovskii, T.R.F. Peixoto, C. Schlueter, V. Grigorev, M. Filianina, S. Sobolev, A. Kleibert, M. Klaeui, J. Demsar, G. Schönhense, M. Jourdan, H.-J. Elmers: "Control of the asymmetric band structure in Mn2Au by a ferromagnetic driver layer", Phys. Rev. B 108, 104413 (2023).
K. Warawa, N. Christophel, S. Sobolev, J. Demsar, H.G. Roskos, M.D. Thomson: "Combined investigation of collective amplitude and phase modes in a quasi-one-dimensional charge-density-wave system over a wide spectral range", Phys. Rev. B 108, 045147 (2023).
M. O. Hansen, Y. Palan, V. Hahn, M.D Thomson, K. Warawa, H.G Roskos, J. Demsar, F. Pientka, O. Tsyplyatyev, P. Kopietz: "Collective modes in the charge-density wave state of K0.3MoO3: The role of long-range Coulomb interactions revisited", Phys. Rev. B 108, 045148 (2023).
Kunie Ishioka, Alexej Pashkin, Christian Bernhard, Hrvoje Petek, Xin Yao, Jure Demsar: "Selective coupling of coherent optical phonons in YBa2Cu3O7-d with electronic transitions", Phys. Rev. B 107, 184302 (2023).
L Yue, AR Pokharel, J Demsar, S Zhang, Y Li, T Dong, N Wang: "Highly anisotropic transient optical response of charge density wave order in ZrTe3", Phys. Rev. B 107, 165115 (2023).
Davide Curcio, Klara Volckaert, Dmytro Kutnyakhov, Steinn Ymir Agustsson, Kevin Bühlmann, Federico Pressacco, Michael Heber, Siarhei Dziarzhytski, Yves Acremann, Jure Demsar, Wilfried Wurth, Charlotte E Sanders, Philip Hofmann: "Tracking the surface atomic motion in a coherent phonon oscillation",
Phys. Rev. B 106, L201409 (2022).
Vladimir Grigorev, Mariia Filianina, Yaryna Lytvynenko, Sergei Sobolev, Amrit Raj Pokharel, Amon P. Lanz, Alexey Sapozhnik, Armin Kleibert, Stanislav Bodnar, Petr Grigorev, Yurii Skourski, Mathias Kläui, Hans-Joachim Elmers, Martin Jourdan, and Jure Demsar: "Optically Triggered Néel Vector Manipulation of a Metallic Antiferromagnet Mn2Au under Strain", ACS Nano (2022)
Olena Fedchenko, Libor Smejkal, Michael Kallmayer, Yarina Lytvynenko, Katerina Medjanik, Sergey Babenkov, Dmitry Vasilyev, Matthias Klaeui, Jure Demsar, Gerd Schoenhense, Martin Jourdan, Jairo Sinova, Hans-Joachim Elmers: "Direct Observation of Antiferromagnetic Parity Violation in the Electronic Structure of Mn2Au", J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 34, 425501 (2022).
Amrit Raj Pokharel, Vladimir Grigorev, Arjan Mejas, Tao Dong, Amir A Haghighirad, Rolf Heid, Yi Yao, Michael Merz, Matthieu Le Tacon, Jure Demsar: "Dynamics of collective modes in an unconventional charge density wave system BaNi2As2", Commun Phys 5, 141 (2022).
D. Curcio, S. Pakdel, K. Volckaert, J.A. Miwa, S. Ulstrup, N. Lanatà, M. Bianchi, et al.: "Ultrafast electronic line width broadening in the C 1s core level of graphene", Phys. Rev. B 104, L161104 (2021).
Sergey Kovalev, Tao Dong, Li-Yu Shi, Chris Reinhoffer, Tie-Quan Xu, Hong-Zhang Wang, Yue Wang, Zi-Zhao Gan, Semyon Germanskiy, Jan-Christoph Deinert, Igor Ilyakov, Paul HM van Loosdrecht, Dong Wu, Nan-Lin Wang, Jure Demsar, Zhe Wang: "Band-Selective Third-Harmonic Generation in Superconducting MgB2: Evidence for Higgs Amplitude Mode in the Dirty Limit", Phys. Rev. B 104, L140505 (2021).
Federico Pressacco, Davide Sangalli, Vojtěch Uhlíř, Dmytro Kutnyakhov, Jon Ander Arregi, Steinn Ymir Agustsson, Günter Brenner, Harald Redlin, Michael Heber, Dmitry Vasilyev, Jure Demsar, Gerd Schönhense, Matteo Gatti, Andrea Marini, Wilfried Wurth, Fausto Sirotti: "Subpicosecond metamagnetic phase transition driven by non-equilibrium electron dynamics", Nature Communications 12, 5088 (2021).
Vladimir Grigorev, Mariia Filianina, Stanislav Yu Bodnar, Sergei Sobolev, Nilabha Bhattacharjee, Satya Bommanaboyena, Yaryna Lytvynenko, Yurii Skourski, Dirk Fuchs, Mathias Kläui, Martin Jourdan, Jure Demsar: " Optical read-out of the Néel vector in metallic antiferromagnet Mn2Au", Phys. Rev. Applied 16, 014037 (2021) (Editors' Suggestion).
D. Dominko, D. Starešinić, K. Biljaković, M. Đekić, A. Salčinović Fetić, K. Hrvat, M. Lozančić, J. Demsar, V. Grigorev, T. Parkelj Potočnik, M. Spreitzer: " Single crystal-like thin films of blue bronze", Thin Solid Films 731, 138745 (2021).
A.R. Pokharel, S.Y. Agustsson, V.V. Kabanov, F. Iga, T. Takabatake, H. Okamura and J. Demsar: "Robust hybridization gap in a Kondo Insulator YbB12 probed by femtosecond optical spectroscopy",
Phys. Rev. B 113, 115134 (2021).
S. Y. Agustsson, S.V. Chernov, K. Medjanik, S. Babenkov, O. Fedchenko, D. Vasilyev, C. Schlueter, A. Gloskovskii, Yu. Matveyev, K. Kliemt, C. Krellner, J. Demsar, G. Schönhense, and H.J. Elmers: "Temperature-Dependent Change of the Electronic Structure in the Kondo Lattice System YbRh2Si2", J. Phys.: Cond. Matter 33, 205601 (2021).
R. P. Xian, Y. Acremann, S.Y. Agustsson, M. Dendzik, K. Bühlmann, D. Curcio, D. Kutnyakhov, F. Pressacco, M. Heber, S. Dong, J. Demsar, W. Wurth, P. Hofmann, M. Wolf, L. Rettig, R. Ernstorfer: "An open-source, end-to-end workflow for multidimensional photoemission spectroscopy",
Scientific Data 7, 442 (2020).
H.-J. Elmers, S.V. Chernov, S.W. D’Souza, S.P. Bommanaboyena, S. Yu. Bodnar, K. Medjanik, S. Babenkov, O. Fedchenko, D. Vasilyev, S.Y. Agustsson, C. Schlueter, A. Gloskovskii, Yu. Matveyev, V.N. Strocov, Y. Skourski, L. Smejkal, J. Sinova, J. Minar, M. Kläui, G. Schönhense, M. Jourdan:
"Néel Vector Induced Manipulation of Valence States in the Collinear Antiferromagnet Mn2Au",
ACS nano 14, 17554-17564 (2020).
M. Dendzik, R. P. Xian, E. Perfetto, D. Sangalli, D. Kutnyakhov, S. Dong, S. Beaulieu, T. Pincelli, F. Pressacco, D. Curcio, S. Y. Agustsson, M. Heber, J. Hauer, W. Wurth, G. Brenner, Y. Acremann, P. Hofmann, M. Wolf, A. Marini, G. Stefanucci, L. Rettig, R. Ernstorfer:
"Observation of an Excitonic Mott Transition Through Ultrafast Core-cum-Conduction Photoemission Spectroscopy",
Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 096401 (2020).
O. Fedchenko, A. Winkelmann, S. Chernov, K. Medjanik, S. Babenkov, S.Y. Agustsson, D. Vasilyev, M. Hoesch, H.-J. Elmers, G. Schönhense:
"Emitter-site specificity of hard x-ray photoelectron Kikuchi-diffraction",
New Journal of Physics 22, 103002 (2020).
J. Demsar:
"Non-equilibrium phenomena in superconductors probed by femtosecond time-domain spectroscopy,"
J. Low Temp. Phys. 201, 676-709 (2020).
Kutnyakhov, R. P. Xian, M. Dendzik, M. Heber, F. Pressacco, S. Y. Agustsson, L. Wenthaus, H. Meyer, S. Gieschen, G. Mercurio, A. Benz, K. Bühlman, S. Däster, R. Gort, D. Curcio, K. Volckaert, M. Bianchi, Ch. Sanders, J. A. Miwa, S. Ulstrup, A. Oelsner, C. Tusche, Y.-J. Chen, D. Vasilyev, K. Medjanik, G. Brenner, S. Dziarzhytski, H. Redlin, B. Manschwetus, S. Dong, J. Hauer, L. Rettig, F. Diekmann, K. Rossnagel, J. Demsar, H.-J. Elmers, Ph. Hofmann, R. Ernstorfer, G. Schönhense, Y. Acremann, and W. Wurth:
"Time-and momentum-resolved photoemission studies using time-of-flight momentum microscopy at a free-electron laser", Rev. Sci. Inst. 91, 013109 (2020).
M. Obergfell and J. Demsar:
"Tracking the Time Evolution of the Electron Distribution Function in Copper by Femtosecond Broadband Optical Spectroscopy", Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 037401 (2020).
M. J. Neugebauer, T. Huber, M. Savoini, E. Abreu, V. Esposito, M. Kubli, L. Rettig, E. Bothschafter, S. Grübel, T. Kubacka, J. Rittmann, G. Ingold, P. Beaud, D. Dominko, J. Demsar, and S. L. Johnson:
"Optical control of vibrational coherence triggered by an ultrafast phase transition",
Physical Review B 99, 2203021 (2019).
T.S. Basu, S. Diesch, M. Obergfell, J. Demsar, and E. Scheer:
"Energy scales and dynamics of electronic excitations in functionalized gold nanoparticles measured at the single particle level", Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 21, 13446-13452 (2019).
N. Bhattacharjee, A. A. Sapozhnik, S. Yu. Bodnar, V. Yu. Grigorev, S. Y. Agustsson, J. Cao, D. Dominko, M. Obergfell, O. Gomonay, J. Sinova, M. Kläui, H.-J. Elmers, M. Jourdan, and J. Demsar:
" Néel Spin-Orbit Torque Driven Antiferromagnetic Resonance in Probed by Time-Domain THz Spectroscopy", Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 237201 (2018).
Retraction Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 039901 (2020).
M. Beck, M. Klammer, I. Rousseau, M. Obergfell, P. Leiderer, M. Helm, V.V. Kabanov, I. Diamant, A. Rabinowicz, Y. Dagan, and J. Demsar:
"Melting the Superconducting State in the Electron Doped Cuprate Pr1.85Ce0.15CuO4-d with Intense near-infrared and Terahertz Pulses", Phys. Rev. B 95, 085106 (2017) , Editors' Suggestion.
D. Dominko, S. Vdovic, H. Skenderovic, D. Staresinic, K. Biljakovic, D. Ristic, D. Ivanda, J. E. Lorenzo, and J. Demsar:
Static and dynamic properties of low-temperature order in the one-dimensional semiconductor (NbSe4)3I
Phys. Rev. B 94, 104113 (2016).
M. Porer, J.-M. Ménard, C. Poellmann, H. Dachraoui, L. Mouchliadis, I. E. Perakis, U. Heinzmann, J. Demsar, K. Rossnagel, E. Galopin, A. Lemaître, A. Amo, J. Bloch and R. Huber:
Femtosecond terahertz dynamics of cooperative transitions: from charge density waves to polariton condensates.
Proc. of SPIE Vol. 9835, Ultrafast Bandgap Photonics, 98351H (2016).
Jure Demsar: "Emergent phenomena: Light-induced superconductivity", invited News & Views article,
Nature Physics 12, 202–203 (2016).
Zhijie Wang, Dawei Cao, Liaoyong Wen, Rui Xu, Manuel Obergfell, Yan Mi, Zhibing Zhan, Nasori Nasori, Jure Demsar and Yong Lei:
"Manipulation of charge transfer and transport in plasmonic-ferroelectric hybrids for photoelectrochemical applications"
Nature Comm. 7, 10348 (2016).
Kerstin Haupt, Maximilian Eichberger, Nicolas Erasmus, Andrea Rohwer, Jure Demsar, Kai Rossnagel, and Heinrich Schwoerer:
"Ultrafast Metamorphosis of a Complex Charge-Density Wave",
Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 016402 (2016).
M. Schubert, H. Schaefer, J. Mayer, A. Laptev, M. Hettich, M. Merklein, C. He, C. Rummel, O.
Ristow, M. Groß mann, Y. Luo, V. Gusev, K. Samwer, M. Fonin, T. Dekorsy, and J. Demsar:
"Collective modes and structural modulation in Ni-Mn-Ga(Co) martensite thin films probed by femtosecond spectroscopy and scanning tunneling microscopy",
Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 076402 (2015).
M. Eichberger, S. Liebermann, C. Klose, M. Obergfell, R. Birmuske, J. Sutter, J. Demsar:
"Cooperative atomic motion probed by ultrafast transmission electron diffraction"
Proc. of SPIE 9361, Ultrafast Phenomena and Nanophotonics XIX, 93610U.
M. Porer, et al.:
"Non-thermal separation of electronic and structural orders in a persisting charge density wave", Nature Materials 13, 857 (2014).
T. Huber, et al.:
"Coherent structural dynamics of a prototypical charge-density-wave-to-metal phase transition", Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 026401 (2014).
H. Schaefer, V. V. Kabanov, J. Demsar:
"Collective modes in quasi-one-dimensional charge-density wave systems probed by femtosecond time-resolved optical studies",
Phys. Rev. B. 89, 045106 (2014).
M. Beck,I. Rousseau, M. Klammer, P. Leiderer, M. Mittendorff, S. Winnerl, M. Helm, G. N. Gol'tsman, and J. Demsar:
"Transient enhancement of superconductivity in a BCS superconductor driven by resonant narrowband terahertz excitation"
Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 267003 (2013).
H. Schaefer, M. Körber, A. Tomeljak, K. Biljakovic, H. Berger, J. Demsar:
"Dynamics of Charge Density Wave Order in the quasi one dimensional conductor (TaSe4)2I probed by femtosecond optical spectroscopy ",
Eur. Phys. J. - Special Topics 222, 1005 (2013).
M. Djekic, et al.,:
"Nanocrystalline thin films with charge density wave ground state",
Vacuum 98, 93 (2013).
M. Eichberger, N. Erasmus, K. Haupt, G. Kassier, A. von Flotow, J. Demsar, H. Schwoerer:
"Femtosecond streaking of electron diffraction patterns to study structural dynamics in crystalline matter "
Appl. Phys. Lett. 102, 121106 (2013).
M. Eichberger, M. Krumova, H. Berger, and J. Demsar:
"Sample Preparation Methods for Femtosecond Electron Diffraction Experiments", Ultramicroscopy 127, 9 (2013).
K. W. Kim, M. Porer, C. Bernhard, J. Demsar, A. Pashkin, T. Kampfrath, A. Sell, M. Wolf, A. Leitenstorfer, R. Huber:
"Ultrafast terahertz spin dynamics: from phonon-induced spin order to coherent magnon control"
Proc. SPIE 8623, Ultrafast Phenomena and Nanophotonics XVII, 862307 (2013)
N. Erasmus, M. Eichberger, K. Haupt, I. Boshoff, G. Kassier, R. Bimurske, H. Berger, J. Demsar and H. Schwoerer:
"Photoinduced Dynamics in the Charge Density Wave Compound 4HB-TaSe2"
EPJ Web of Conferences 41, 03024 (2013).
K. W. Kim, A. Pashkin, H. Schäfer, M. Beyer, M. Porer, T. Wolf, C. Bernhard, J. Demsar, R. Huber and A. Leitenstorfer:
"Transient Spin Density Wave Order Induced in the Normal State of BaFe2As2 by Coherent Lattice Oscillations"
EPJ Web of Conferences 41, 03012 (2013).
N. Erasmus, M. Eichberger, K. Haupt, I. Boshoff, G. Kassier, R. Birmurske, H. Berger, J. Demsar, and H. Schwoerer:
"Ultrafast Order Parameter Dynamics in the Charge Density Wave Compound 4H_{b}-TaSe2 recorded by femtosecond electron diffraction",
Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 167402 (2012).
K. W. Kim, A. Pashkin, H. Schäfer, M. Beyer, M. Porer, T. Wolf, C. Bernhard, J. Demsar, R. Huber, A. Leitenstorfer
"Ultrafast transient generation of spin density wave order in the normal state of BaFe2As2 driven by coherent lattice vibrations",
Nature Materials 11, 497 (2012).
D. Inselmann, S. Schleef, S. Ibrahimkutty, G. Buth, T. Baumbach, A. Plech, M. Beyer and J. Demsar:
"Lattice Dynamics of Laser Excited Ferroelectric BaTiO3",
Acta Phys. Polonica A 121, 319 (2012).
F. Schättinger, D. Bauer, J. Demsar, T. Dekorsy, D.H. Sutter, J. Puustinen, and M. Guina:
"Characterization of InGaAs and InGaAsN semiconductor saturaable absorber mirrors for high-power mode-locked thin-disk lasers",
Appl. Phys. B. 106, 605 (2012).
D. Staresinic, et al.:
"Charge density waves in nanocrystalline thin films of blue bronze K0.3MoO3",
Physica B 407, 1889 (2012).
G. Sciaini, M. Eichberger, H. Schäfer, M. Krumova, M. Beyer, H. Berger, G. Moriena, J. Demsar, and D. Miller,
"Femtosecond Electron Diffraction for the Study of Charge Density Waves," in
Research in Optical Sciences, OSA Technical Digest (OSA, 2012), paper IT3D.2.
M. Beck, M. Klammer, S. Lang, P. Leiderer, V.V. Kabanov, G. N. Gol'tsman, and J. Demsar
"Energy-gap dynamics of superconducting NbN thin films studied by time-resolved terahertz spectroscopy",
Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 177007 (2011).
E. Vorobeva, S. L. Johnson, P. Beaud, U. Staub, R. De Souza, C. Milne, G. Ingold, J. Demsar, H. Schaefer, and A. Titov
"Non-thermal melting of a Charge Density Wave in TiSe2",
Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 036403 (2011).
D. Dominko, D. Starešinić, K. Salamon, K. Biljaković, A. Tomeljak, H. Schäfer, T. Huber, J. Demsar, G. Socol, C. Ristoscu, I. N. Mihailescu, Z. Siketić, I. Bogdanović Radović, G. Pletikapić, V. Svetličić, M. Đekić, H. Šamić and J. Marcus
"Detection of Charge Density Wave Ground State in Granular Thin Films of Blue Bronze K0.3MoO3 by femtosecond spectroscopy",
J. Appl. Phys. 110, 014907 (2011).
J. Demsar und T. Dekorsy
"Carrier dynamics in bulk semiconductors and metals after ultrashort pulse excitation"
in Optical Techniques for Solid-State Materials Characterization, Edited by Rohit P. Prasankumar and Antoinette J. Taylor (Francis & Taylor, New York, 2011)
M. Beyer, D. Städter, H. Schäfer, V.V. Kabanov, G. Logvenov, I. Bozovic, G. Koren, and J. Demsar
"Photoinduced melting of superconductivity in the high-Tc superconductor La2-xSrxCuO4 probed by time-resolved optical and THz techniques",
Phys. Rev. B 83, 214515 (2011).
P. Kusar, V.V. Kabanov, S. Sugai, J. Demsar, T. Mertelj, D. Mihailovic
"Dynamical Structural Instabilities in La1.9Sr0.1CuO4 Under Intense Laser Photoexcitation",
J. Supercond. Nov. Magn. 24, 241 (2011).
M. Beyer, K.W. Kim, V.V. Kabanov, H. Schäfer, G. Logvenov, I. Bozovic, and J. Demsar
"Femtosecond Study of Photodoping Phenomena in a Parent Compound of a High-Temperature Superconductor",
Ultrafast Phenomena XVII: Proceedings of the 17th International Conference, Eds. M. Chergui, D.M. Jonas, E. Riedle, R.W. Schoenlein, A.J. Taylor, Oxford University Press (2011), p. 131-133.
M. Porer, A. Pashkin, K.W. Kim, C. Bernhard, X. Yao, Y. Dagan, R. Hackl, A. Erb, M. Beyer, J. Demsar, A. Leitenstorfer, R. Huber
"Ultrafast Phonon and Quasiparticle Dynamics in Superconducting YBa2Cu3O7-d Studied by Multi-THz Spectroscopy",
Ultrafast Phenomena XVII: Proceedings of the 17th International Conference, Eds. M. Chergui, D.M. Jonas, E. Riedle, R.W. Schoenlein, A.J. Taylor, Oxford University Press (2011), p. 137-139.
M. Eichberger, H. Schäfer, M. Krumova, M. Beyer, J. Demsar, H. Berger, G. Moriena, G.Sciaini, R.J.D.Miller
"Ultrafast order parameter melting in a 2D Charge Density Wave 1T-TaS2 probed by femtosecond electron diffraction",
Ultrafast Phenomena XVII: Proceedings of the 17th International Conference, Eds. M. Chergui, D.M. Jonas, E. Riedle, R.W. Schoenlein, A.J. Taylor, Oxford University Press (2011), p. 158-160.
E. Vorobeva, S.L. Johnson, P. Beaud, U. Staub, R. De Souza, C. Milne, J. Demsar, H. Schäfer, A. Titov, G. Ingold
"Femtosecond laser-induced CDW melting in TiSe2",
Ultrafast Phenomena XVII: Proceedings of the 17th International Conference, Eds. M. Chergui, D.M. Jonas, E. Riedle, R.W. Schoenlein, A.J. Taylor, Oxford University Press (2011), p. 164-166.
H. Schäfer, V. V. Kabanov, M. Beyer, K. Biljakovic, and J. Demsar
"Interplay between the electronic and lattice parts of the order parameter i a quasi 1D Charge Density Wave system probed by femtosecond spectroscopy",
Ultrafast Phenomena XVII: Proceedings of the 17th International Conference, Eds. M. Chergui, D.M. Jonas, E. Riedle, R.W. Schoenlein, A.J. Taylor, Oxford University Press (2011), p. 191-193.
M. Eichberger, H. Schäfer, M. Krumova, M. Beyer, J. Demsar, H. Berger, G. Moriena, G.Sciaini, R.J.D.Miller
"Snapshots of cooperative atomic motions in the optical suppression of Charge Density Waves",
Nature 468, 799 (2010).
H. Schäfer, V. V. Kabanov, M. Beyer, K. Biljakovic, and J. Demsar
"Disentanglement of the electronic and lattice parts of the order parameter in a 1D Charge Density Wave system probed by femtosecond spectroscopy",
Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 066402 (2010).
A. Pashkin, M. Porer, M. Beyer, K. W. Kim, A. Dubroka, C. Bernhard, X. Yao, Y. Dagan, R. Hackl, A. Erb, J. Demsar, R. Huber, and A. Leitenstorfer
"Femtosecond Quasiparticle and Phonon Dynamics in Superconducting YBa2Cu3O7-d Studied by Ultrabroadband Terahertz Spectroscopy",
Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 067001 (2010).
T. Dekorsy, J. Demsar, S. Winnerl, M. Beck, G. Klatt
"TERAHERTZ SOURCES: Large-area photoconductive emitters improve terahertz source efficiency",
Laser Focus World (July 29, 2010)
M. Beck, H. Schäfer, G. Klatt, J. Demsar, S. Winnerl, M. Helm, and T. Dekorsy
"Impulsive terahertz radiation with high electric fields from an amplifier-driven large-area photoconductive antenna"
Opt. Express 18, 9251 (2010).
G. Klatt, D. Stephan, M. Beck, J. Demsar and T. Dekorsy
"Large-Area Laser-Driven Terahertz Emitters",
Electronics Lett. 46, S24 (2010).
J. Demsar, V.V. Kabanov, A.S. Alexandrov, H.J. Lee, E.D. Bauer, J.L. Sarrao, A.J. Taylor
"Hot electron relaxation in the heavy fermion Yb1−xLuxAl3 compound using femtosecond optical pump-probe spectroscopy"
Phys. Rev. B, 80, 085121 (2009).
A. Tomeljak, H. Schäfer, D. Städter, M. Beyer, K. Biljakovic, and J. Demsar
"Dynamics of photoinduced Charge Density Wave-metal phase transition in K0.3MoO3"
Phys. Rev. Lett., 102, 066404 (2009).
V. K. Thorsmolle, R. D. Averitt, J. Demsar, D. L. Smith, S. Tretiak, R. L. Martin, X. Chi, B. K. Crone, A. P. Ramirez and A. J. Taylor
"Morphology Effectively Controls Singlet-Triplet Exciton Relaxation and Charge Transport in Organic Semiconductors"
Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 017401 (2009).
A. Tomeljak, B. Kavcic, H. Schäfer, V.V. Kabanov, D. Mihailovic, D. Staresinic, K. Biljakovic and J. Demsar
"Femtosecond nonequilibrium dynamics in quasi-1D CDW systems K0.3MoO3 and Rb0.3MoO3",
Physica B 404, 548 (2009).
V. K. Thorsmolle, R. D. Averitt, J. Demsar, D. L. Smith, S. Tretiak, R. L. Martin, X. Chi, B. K. Crone, A. P. Ramirez, A. J. Taylor
"Photoexcited Carrier Relaxation Dynamics in Pentacene Probed by Ultrafast Optical Spectroscopy: Infuence of Morphology on Relaxation Processes",
Physica B 404, 3127 (2009).
P. Kusar, V.V. Kabanov, S, Sugai, J. Demsar, T. Mertelj, D. Mihailovic
"Controlled vaporization of the superconducting condensate in cuprate superconductors by femtosecond photoexcitation"
Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 227001 (2008).
J. Demsar, A. Gozar, V.K. Thorsmolle, A.J. Taylor, and I. Bozovic
"Long-lived near-infrared photoinduced absorption in LaSrAlO4 excited with visible light: Trapping of photoexcited electrons at O-vacancy sites",
Phys. Rev. B 76, 054304 (2007).
M. Hase, M. Kitajima, and J. Demsar
"Femtosecond Dynamics of Fano-resonance in Zn"
Ultrafast Phenomena XV, Springer Series in Chemical Physics, Vol. 88, 615 (2007).
J. Demsar, V.K. Thorsmolle, J.L. Sarrao, A.J. Taylor
"Dynamics of Photoexcited Carriers in Heavy-electron Systems"
Ultrafast Phenomena XV, Springer Series in Chemical Physics, Vol. 88, 594 (2007).
J. Demsar, V.K. Thorsmolle, J.L. Sarrao, A.J. Taylor
Photoexcited electron dynamics in Kondo insulators and heavy fermions,
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J. Demsar, J.L. Sarrao, A.J.Taylor
Dynamics of photoexcited quasiparticles in heavy electron compounds.
J.Phys.:Cond. Mat. 18 R281 (2006), Topical Review (invited).
M. Hase, J. Demsar, M. Kitajima
"Photoinduced fano resonance of coherent phonons in zinc",
Phys. Rev. B 74, 212301 (2006).
J. Demsar, R. D. Averitt, A. J. Taylor, and V.V. Kabanov
Cooper pair breaking dynamics in MgB2 using optieal-pump terahertz-probe spectroscopy
Ultrafast Phenomena XIV, Springer Series in Chemical Physics, Vol. 79, 726 (2005).
V. K. Thorsmølle, R. D. Averitt, J. Demsar, X. Chi, D. L. Smith, A. P. Ramirez and A. J. Taylor
Exciton dynamics in pentacene and tetracene studied using optical pump-probe spectroscopy
Ultrafast Phenomena XIV, Springer Series in Chemical Physics, Vol. 79, 269 (2005).
V.V. Kabanov, J. Demsar, and D. Mihailovic.
Kinetics of a Superconductor Excited with a Femtosecond Optical Pulse,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 147002 (2005).
P. Kusar, J. Demsar, D. Mihailovic, and S. Sugai.
A systematic study of femtosecond quasiparticle relaxation processes in La2-xSrxCuO4.
Phys. Rev. B 72, 014544 (2005).
M. Hase, K. Ishioka, J. Demsar, K. Ushida, and M. Kitajima.
Ultrafast dynamics of coherent optical phonons and nonequilibrium electrons in transition metals.
Phys. Rev. B 71, 184301 (2005).
I.Bozovic, M. Schneider,Y. Xu, R. Sobolewski, Y. H. Ren, G. Lupke, J. Demsar, A. J. Taylor, and M. Onellion
Long-lived coherent acoustic waves generated by femtosecond light pulses.
Phys. Rev. B 69, 132503 (2004).
K. H. Ahn, M. J. Graf, S. A. Trugman, J. Demsar, R. D. Averitt, J. L. Sarrao, and A. J. Taylor.
Ultrafast quasiparticle relaxation dynamics in normal metals and heavy-fermion materials.
Phys. Rev. B 69, 045114 (2004).
J. Demsar, R. D. Averitt, and A. J. Taylor.
Nonequilibrium Superconductivity Probed by Time-ResolvedFar-Infrared Conductivity Dynamics: Comparison Between MgB2 and YBa2Cu3O7,
J. Superconductivity 17, 143 (2004).
D. Dvorsek, V. V. Kabanov, J. Demsar, J. Karpinski, S. M. Kazakov, and D. Mihailovic.
Femtosecond Pump-Probe Polarization Dependent Investigation of Relaxation Dynamics in YBa2Cu4O8.
J. Superconductivity 17, 89 (2004).
J. Demsar, R.D. Averitt, A. J. Taylor, V. V. Kabanov, W. N. Kang, H. J. Kim, E. M. Choi, and S. I. Lee.
Pair-Breaking and Superconducting State Recovery Dynamics in MgB2,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 91, 267002 (2003).
D. Lim, R. D. Averitt, J. Demsar, A. J. Taylor, N. Hur and S. W. Cheong.
Coherent acoustic phonons in hexagonal manganite LuMnO3,
Appl. Phys. Lett. 83, 4800 (2003).
J. Demsar, R.D. Averitt, V.V. Kabanov, D. Mihailovic.
Comment on "Photoinduced Changes of Reflectivity in Single Crystals of YBa2Cu3O6:5 (Ortho II).
Phys. Rev. Lett. 91, 169701 (2003).
J. Demsar, R.D. Averitt, K.H. Ahn, M.J. Graf, S.A. Trugman, V.V. Kabanov, J.L. Sarrao, A.J. Taylor.
Quasiparticle relaxation dynamics in heavy fermion compounds,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 91, 027401 (2003).
M.L. Schneider, S. Rast, M. Onellion, J. Demsar, A.J. Taylor, et al..
Carrier relaxation time divergence in single and double layer cuprates,
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J. Demsar, R.D. Averitt, A. J. Taylor, W. N. Kang, H. J. Kim, E. M. Choi, and S. I. Lee.
Photoinduced conductivity dynamics studies of MgB2 thin films,
Int. J. Mod. Phys. B 17, 3675, (2003).
D. Mihailovic, D. Dvorsek, V. V. Kabanov, J. Demsar, L. Forró, and H. Berger.
Femtosecond data storage, processing, and search using collective excitations of a macroscopic quantum state.
Appl. Phys. Lett. 80, 871, (2002).
Schneider ML, Demsar J, Glinka Y, et al..
Ultrafast carrier relaxation dynamics in single-layer cuprates,
Europhys. Lett. 60, 460 (2002).
Dvorsek D, Kabanov VV, Demsar J, et al..
Femtosecond quasiparticle relaxation dynamics and probe polarization anisotropy in YSrxBa2-xCu4O8 (x=0,0.4).
Phys. Rev.B 66 Rapid Comm., 020510 (2002).
J. Demsar, L. Forró, H. Berger, D. Mihailovic.
Femtosecond snapshots of gap-forming charge-density-wave correlations in quasi-two-dimensional dichalcogenides 1T-TaS2 and 2H-TaSe2,
Phys. Rev.B 66 Rapid Comm., 041101(R)(2002).
A. J. Taylor, R. D. Averitt, J. Demsar, A. I. Lobad, J. L. Sarrao, S. A. Trugman.
Femtosecond studies of mixed valence state formation in strongly correlated electron materials.
Physica B 312-313, 640 (2002).
M. Remskar, A.Mrzel, Z.Skraba, A.Jesih, M.Ceh, J.Demsar, P.Stadelmann, F.Levy, D.Mihailovic.
Self-Assembly of Subnanometer-Diameter Single-Wall MoS2 Nanotubes.
Science 292, 479 (2001).
J.Demsar, R.Hudej, J.Karpinski, VV.Kabanov, D.Mihailovic.
Quasiparticle dynamics and gap structure in HgBa2Ca 2Cu3O(8+d) investigated with femtosecond spectroscopy.
Phys. Rev. B 63, 54519 (2001).
D.Mihailovic, V.V.Kabanov, J.Demsar.
Femtosecond spectroscopy of correlated-electron 1D-structres: a comparison of (Y,Ca)Ba2Cu3O7-d and K0.3Mo03.
J. Phys. Chem. Solids 62, 113 (2001).
J.Demsar, R.Hudej, J.Karpinski, V.V.Kabanov, D.Mihailovic.
Quasiparticle relaxation dynamics in Hg-1223 studied by femtosecond time-resolved optical spectroscopy.
Physica C 341-348, 925 (2000).
V.V. Kabanov, J.Demsar, D. Mihailovic.
Photoinduced absorption from localized intra-gap states,
Physica C 341-348, 875 (2000).
D. Mihailovic, J. Demsar, R. Hudej, V.V.Kabanov, T.Wolf, J.Karpinski.
Quasiparticle relaxation dynamics in cuprates and lifetimes of low-energy states: Femtosecond data from underdoped to overdoped YBCO and mercury compounds,
Physica C 341-348, 1731 (2000).
V.V. Kabanov, J. Demsar, D.Mihailovic.
Carrier-relaxation dynamics in intragap states : the case of the superconductor YBa2Cu3O7-d and the charge-density-wave semiconductor K0.3MoO3,
J.Demsar, K.Biljakovic and D.Mihailovic.
Single Particle and Collective Excitations in the One-Dimensional Charge Density Wave Solid K0.3MoO3 Probed in Real Time by Femtosecond Spectroscopy.
Phys. Rev. Lett. 83, 800 (1999).
J.Demsar, B.Podobnik, V.V.Kabanov, Th.Wolf and D.Mihailovic.
Superconducting Gap Dc, the Pseudogap Dp, and Pair Fluctuations above Tc in Overdoped Y1-xCaxBa2Cu3O7-d from Femtosecond Time-Domain Spectroscopy,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 82, 4918 (1999).
J. Demsar, B. Podobnik, J.E.Evetts, G.A. Wagner and D. Mihailovic.
Evidence for crossover from a Bose-Einstein condensate to a BCS-like superconductor with doping in YBa2Cu3O7-d from quasiparticle relaxation dynamics experiments,
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D.Mihailovic, V.V.Kabanov, K.Zagar and J.Demsar.
Distinct charge and spin gaps in underdoped YBa2Cu3O7-d, from analysis of NMR, neutron scattering, tunneling and quasiparticle relaxation experiments,
Phys. Rev.B 60 Rapid Comm., 6995 (1999).
D. Mihailovic, J. Demsar, B. Podobnik, V.V. Kabanov, J.E. Evetts, G.A. Wagner and L. Mechin.
Quasiparticle Dynamics from the Bose-Einstein Condensation to the BCS-Like Regions of the Phase Diagram in YBa2Cu3O7-d,
J. Supercond. 12, 33 (1999).
V.V. Kabanov, J. Demsar, B. Podobnik and D. Mihailovic.
Quasiparticle relaxation dynamics in superconductors with different gap structures: Theory and experiments on YBa2Cu3O7-d,
Phys. Rev. B 59, 1497 (1999).
before 1998
D.Mihailovic, B. Podobnik, J. Demsar, G. Wagner and J. Evetts.
Divergence of the Quasiparticle lifetime with doping and evidence for pre-formed pairs below T* in YBa2Cu3O7-d : direct measurements by femtosecond time-resolved spectroscopy, J.Phys.Chem Solids 59, 1937-1941 (1998).
A. Hassanien, J. Gasperic, J. Demsar, I. Musevic and D. Mihailovic.
Atomic force microscope study of photo-polymerized and photo-dimerized epitaxial C60 films.,
Appl. Phys. Lett. 70, 417 (1997).
D. Mihailovic, C. Stevens, J. Demsar, B. Podobnik, D.C. Smith, and J.F. Ryan.
Evidence for Polarons and Itinerant Carriers in Superconductivity from Time-Resolved Optical Measurements on YBa2Cu3O7-d., J. Supercond. 10, 337 (1997).
J. Demsar, M. Zavrtanik, B. Podobnik, V.I. Dediu, and D. Mihailovic.
Photoresponse of Y-Ba-Cu-O Thin Films on the ms Time Scale - Evidence for Localized States Near EF.,
J. Supercond. 10, 455 (1997).
K. Pokhodnia, J. Demsar, A. Omerzu, D. Mihailovic, H. Kuzmany.
Raman spectra on TDAE-C60 single crystals., Phys. Rev. B 55, 3757 ( 1997).
T. Mertelj, J. Demsar, B. Podobnik, I. Poberaj, D. Mihailovic.
A study of photoexcited carrier relaxation in YBa2Cu3O7-d by picosecond resonant Raman spectroscopy.,
Phys. Rev. B 55, 6061 (1997).
D. Mihailovic, C.J. Stevens, B. Podobnik, J. Demsar, M. Zavrtanik, D. Smith and J.F. Ryan.
Evidence for Two-Component Superconductivity in the Femtosecond Optical and Transient Photoconducting Response of YBa2Cu3O7-d., Physica C 282-287, 186 (1997).
K. Pokhodnia, J. Demsar, A. Omerzu, D. Mihailovic and H. Kuzmany.
Low temperature Raman spectra on TDAE-C60 single crystals.
Synth. Met. 85, 1749-50, (1997).
D. Mihailovic, T. Mertelj, B. Podobnik, J. Demsar, P. Canfield, Z. Fisk, C. Chen.
Evidence for polaronic states in metallic YBa2Cu3O6.9 and La1.85Sr0.15CuO4 from ultrafast phonon Raman spectroscopy.,
Physica B 219-220, 142-4, (1996).
D. Mihailovic, T. Mertelj, I. Poberaj, J. Demsar and C. Chen.
Carrier relaxation through localized states in metallic and insulating YBa2Cu3O7-d.,
J. Supercond. 8, 531 (1995).
Books and Book chapters
A.S. Alexandrov, J. Demsar, I.K. Yanson (Eds.)
Molecular nanowires and other quantum objects. NATO science series, Series II, Mathematics, physics, and chemistry, vol. 148. Dordrecht; Boston; London: Kluwer, cop. 2004.
D. Mihailovic and J. Demsar
Time-Resolved Optical Studies of Quasiparticle Dynamics in High-Temperature Superconductors: Experiments and theory in "Spectroscopy of Superconducting Materials", ACS Symposium Series Volume 730, Ed. E. Faulques (1999).
A.Omerzu,T.Mertelj, J.Demsar, D.Mihailovic, D.Drobac, M.Prester
AC magnetic measurements. in "Introduction to physical techniques in molecular magentism : structural and macroscopic techniques." Zaragoza: Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Zaragoza, Edificio de ciencias geológicas, Eds. PALACIO, Fernando , RESSOUCHE, Eric , SCHWEIZER, Jacques ..pp 83-101 (2001).